
Access Global markets on our ProTrader platform with TradingView charts

Start trading the most liquid financial market in the world and capitalize on global economic volatility.

Trade with the world’s #1 broker!1

With 10+ years of excellence and innovation, we provide high-quality access to financial markets, through our advanced execution model. Invest in thousands of instruments in different asset classes.







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Why Invest with Prime Trade Options?

We are committed to proving condusive investing ground for all our users. Invest today

Award-winning platform

Award-winning software recognized and praised by the most respected experts of the industry.

Customizable interface

Customize the platform to make it fit better to your needs — from chart type to color theme

Convenient withdrawals

Withdraw your money in an instant using a wide range of available payment systems.


We are trusted over 2 million investor worldwide

Referral Commission

Earn 5% referral commission when you refer your family and friends

24/7 Support

A team of professionals speaking your mother tongue are always here to support you.

Trade, Invest & Earn Crypto

Choose from the top cryptocurrency assets on the UK's No. 1 platform

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How To Invest With Prime Trade Options

Easy as you go!


Sign up for an account by going to the signup page and fill in your details

Fund Wallet

Fund your trading wallet by depositing money to your account


Choose from our various investment plans and start earning


Withdraw money through your preferred method

Browse the full rangeof platforms

At Prime Trade Options we understand that different clients have different needs. Therefore, we offer a wide selection of trusted, award-winning platforms and account types to choose from.

Be on top of the crypto markets with Prime Trade Options Mobile app for Android or iOS.

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2,188,592+ client accounts

Prime Trade Options has been providing online trading services to clients since 2013 and it currently serves 173 countries worldwide.

100+ international awards

Prime Trade Options has received constant recognition in the industry, winning over 100 international awards to date for the quality of its services.

5 star customer service

Our dedicated, multilingual customer service team works 24/5 to provide you with an exceptional level of support.

4 industry regulations

Prime Trade Options is well-known throughout the industry as a trustworthy and reliable broker. We are regulated by the UKCH, CySEC, FSCA and SCB.

Trade Like a Pro!

Invest in a wide range of derivatives, including popular Futures, Indices, Metals, Energy and Shares and experience the global markets at your fingertips.

Top tools and services to enhance your investing experience

Get In Touch

Fill the form below to make inquirires. You can also contact us via livechat, email, support ticket or using the contact details below.



Suite 1204 111 West George Street, Glasgow, G2 1QX

1   Based on 100+ UK and international awards.

2   Prime Trade Options clients on the cTrader platform are charged a commission fee. View 'cTrader Commission Calculator'

Prime Trade Options is a global, multi-asset broker offering clients access to a nimble and powerful service for trading CFDs on Forex, Commodities, Indices, Shares.

With more than 10 years of market experience and headquartered in Sydney, Prime Trade Options now has over 1,000 staff across more than 30 global offices.

Prime Trade Options is more than a broker. It provides a trusted trading ecosystem that enables clients to achieve their own success, in a faster and simpler manner.

Be empowered to better capitalise on winning market opportunities when you trade smarter @Prime Trade Options

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